Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Ballad of Spring

I saw a bluebird this morning. His cheerful blue feathers stood in dark contrast to the charcoal branches stretching like calloused fingers toward the heavens. The branches are still bare, yearning for spring. The promise of new life lies quietly within them waiting for the Creator's tender voice, "Come forth."

The bluebird must have heard God's whisper. He swooped in from the heights and perched on a limb near the heart of the old oak. The branches swayed in a gentle breeze. Softly, but with purpose, a sweet melody filled the air as the blue messenger sang to the tree. His song swelled, proclaiming new life. The little fellow cocked his head and turned his gaze heavenward. Was that a wink I saw? Did Mr. Bluebird just send a message of 'mission accomplished' to His Creator? I think so! The tiny blue dynamo lifted his wings and flew across the lawn to his next host. Once again, I heard the Ballad of Spring.

Spring! The symbol of hope, new life, fresh starts. I love the flourish of color that spring washes over a previously bleak world. Could you use a flourish of color in your bleak world? If you know Christ as your Savior, His eternal hope lies within, waiting to 'come forth'. Your winter will transition into spring if you will heed the Master's call. His voice will lift you out of the miry clay. He will put a new song in your heart, a skip in your step.

Go ahead. Sing your own ballad of spring - a song of praise to your Creator. No one is listening, no one but Him. I promise He will respond with hope.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Tale of Two Pails

(A Jewish Tale)

Once upon a time there lived a wonderful person who walked to the river everyday carrying a long pole stretched across his broad shoulders. The pole was laden with a bucket hanging from each end. Day after day he knelt by the river's edge to gather water to deliver to the people of his community.

After many years of making this daily trek, one of the buckets slipped off, hit the hard ground and cracked. The wonderful person continued to use the bucket, even though it leaked along the daily pilgrimage. Eventually the bucket became self-conscious, "I used to hold two gallons of water. Now I leak. I used to be proud to work for my master. Now, I look at my neighbor bucket who is still proud and I feel jealous. I feel resentful. I don't like the way I feel, but it is too much for me.

The bucket called to its Master, "Please destroy me. I don't want to be here anymore. I don't like that I can no longer reach the full potential I was created for. My neighbor bucket is still able to carry two gallons of water. I barely have one gallon left when I reach the homes."

The Master said, "Don't you know how good the world has become because of your brokenness? Please, come with me. Let me show you how beautiful the world is because you hung from my pole on the right side of the road, right where I put you. Do you see the flowers there? Every place you dripped through your brokenness, I planted a seed. Because you were broken, the dry, barren ground was watered and a flower bloomed.

Precious child of God, your tears are not for naught when you walk with the Master. Faith and hope that grow through your brokenness bring glory to God, beauty to the world. How? Because, just like the Master continued to carry the broken bucket, our Master continues to carry us. The world sees that we are not abandoned or cast aside because we have fallen. The world sees that He gives us beauty for ashes, a garland of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

If you noticed, the broken bucket was very honest with its Master and, what did the Master do? He gave the bucket understanding and purpose. The Master revealed that even in our darkest moments, He is working everything together for our good.

I hope my tears produce daisies and black-eyed susans along my path. They're my favorite.

Psalm 126:5,6 "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

Blessed Lord, Thank you for working everything together for our good. Help us to allow beauty to come from our brokenness. Lord, we desire to glorify You in everything we do - to let the Beauty of the Lord be manifest along our paths, for our sorrow to break forth into joy because of You.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Secret Place of the Most High

As the dawn bursts with its myriad of glorious colors, liquid gold spreads like frosting over the earth. Beauty, which only moments before, had been obscured by the darkness, is now visible in the morning light. Dewdrops glisten on the primrose climbing along the rustic split-rail fence. A bluebird swoops to the resting place of a limb on the grand old oak. She ushers in the morning with a sweet song - perhaps a morning prayer of thanks to her Creator. Clouds on the horizon speak of coming rain, their precious cargo of raindrops rides along the heavens waiting for the warmth of day. Beneath a fallen log, a cricket peers out and greets the new dawn with a jazzy little tune of happiness.

This beauty was here all along.

But...the darkness of night obscured these objects of heaven's delight.

Thankfully, the brilliant light of dawn revealed the beauty. This hidden beauty declared the faithfulness of God.

And so it is with us.

The darkness - the struggles, despair, depression - can obscure the hidden treasures of Christ within us. The treasures are there, but we cannot see them because the shroud of darkness seeks to dim the Light - it seeks to stifle our declaration of God's faithfulness.

Have you ever thought that perhaps our darkest moments hide the secret places of God? It is easy to understand the truths revealed in the Light: "I believe in the One true God, Maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, who died on the cruel cross for the Redemption of mankind - for the restoration of my broken soul." These we readily accept and understand.

But darkness holds truths as well.

Only those who experience the darkness face-to-face, anticipating the coming Dawn, gain the knowledge of the hidden treasures of our faith.

In the darkness, we experience the secrets of God.

In the darkness, we experience the loving comfort of our Lord.

In the darkness we reach for the hand of our Heavenly Father and can trace the imprint of our name He has engraved there. (Isaiah 49:16)

Exquisite beauty can be found in the darkness when we allow the Light of Christ to burst through with its myriad of glorious colors. It is then that we find the essence of Who God is. Without the darkness, we are tempted to accept God at face value - in the Light there is no need to reach for the comfort of His hand. "He who dwells in the Secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psalm 91:1) Could it be that the darkest moments in our life are but the shadow of the Almighty? Do we walk so close to our God that we dwell in the secret place, among the hidden treasures of His shadow? Rather than resenting the darkness, maybe we should embrace it, knowing that the dawn with its glorious Light will reveal exquisite beauty in our souls.

Father, let your Dawn burst forth with a myriad of glorious colors and reveal to me the hidden treasures of my darkest night. Help me reach up and take Your mighty hand. Thank you for letting me find my name engraved there. O, what a comforting thought!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Parable of the Squirrel

I grabbed a fresh cup of coffee, its hefty aroma calling to me from an ocean of deep thoughts. With cup in hand, I stepped into the warmth of our sun porch. Poppy red clusters of geraniums winked at me through the windowpanes. I settled into my favorite rocking chair and tried to relax in the presence of the tall, graceful stems of lavender swaying gently in the breeze. The rhythm of that familiar squeaking chair fought to settle my spirit.

But my spirit was exhausted from waging battle against life's hardships. My mind quarreled with the faithfulness of God. My spirit reminded me of my blessings. My Bible shouted out reminders of God's promises. But, my weary soul struggled desperately to walk in that reality.

"Lord, forgive me for being so frustrated. I feel angry that life has to be so hard!! Where is Your hand of provision? I miss the joy of my salvation!" I pouted as I slung accusation after accusation at my Heavenly Father. Then my tirade ended and I took another sip of coffee.

A flash of gray raced past the window and leaped onto the base of the wrought-iron pole standing in the midst of the lavender and geraniums. There, my bird feeder hung temptingly about four feet off the ground, secured by the hook shaped at the end of the pole. Catching his breath, a young squirrel glanced in my direction. Excitement was written all over his face.

Four tiny paws gripped the slender pole. His furry tail twitched uncontrollably with happiness. With sheer determination the squirrel inched his way upward towards his prize. When he got parallel to the feeder he S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D across to the perch so he could dig into the morsels of goodness. Watching his can-do attitude was funny enough, but then the wind began to blow.

Blowing wind begets spinning bird feeders.

Spinning bird feeders beget spinning squirrels.

Sipping my coffee, I realized the squirrel had a choice to make: either let go of his prize, fall to the ground and start over OR grab hold with all fours and hang on with all his might until the wind passes by.

He chose the prize.

The squirrel's back paws swung over to the base of the bird feeder. Hanging upside down, he held on with all fours as though his life depended on it. His little body spun and twirled, eyes wild with excitement. A bushy, gray tail twitched in rhythm to the swinging feeder. There was no way this little guy was going to let go of his prize and no wind or difficulty was going to get in his way. He simply held on tight, kept his eyes on the prize and waited for things to calm down. Then, very matter-of-factly, he S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D his back paws across the great divide until he reached the pole again, gripped it tightly and resumed indulging himself with those delectable morsels of goodness.

I knew this was a God-moment.

Rocking back and forth, I pondered the lesson the Lord was showing me. I remembered the scriptures teaching that in a race only one person can win the prize. God wants us to run in such a way that we win. I SO want to win the prize of the high calling of Jesus Christ. I want to REST in His presence, WALK in His provision and ENJOY the blessings of discipleship. Like the squirrel, I want every little morsel of goodness I can grab, no matter how difficult.

Even though for a season, I feel like I'm spinning upside-down, holding onto God's promises with all fours, I KNOW that if I can just persevere and keep my eyes on the prize, the wind will calm down, the spinning cease and I can indulge myself once again with the goodness of God.